Pregnancy Support

For those seeking support during pregnancy and in the lead up to their birth.

My hope is that your partner/chosen birth support will be available for our sessions too.

Northern Rivers and Gold Coast Doula Pregnancy Support

I am super passionate about pregnancy support.

During pregnancy we are in the lead up to one of the most transformational events of our lives.

We grow and birth a human and this is a massive point of celebration - but also preparation!

It is so useful to educate ourselves and prepare for what is to come for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

This can look like learning about birth and physiology, understanding your different options, listening to others birth stories, preparing your support system for postpartum, filling your freezer, learning about breastfeeding and more.

All sessions are minimum 2 hours in length.

Birth Mapping:

This is a HOT TAKE on birth planning.

We begin by playing The Game Of Birth and then we go DEEP into what you want for your birth as well as cover a range of different options, scenarios, “what ifs”, and how you want to FEEL during your birth. The aim is to help YOU stay in charge of your birth even if you’re not in control. Together we create a typed document of your Birth Map that you can share with your care providers and support people.

As questions arise during our time together, I will take note and email you resources to evidence based information that are relevant to you that you can use as conversation points with your health care provider.

The Birth Map was created by Catherine Bell and you can learn more about the Birth Map (and read the book online for free) here.

Postpartum Planning:

Together we plan for your postpartum. I can help you plan meals for your postpartum (or freezer), organise a meal train, assist you and your partner develop strategies on how to support each other during those early weeks of postpartum, talk through different postpartum considerations, guide you to my network of professionals who you may want to access in your postpartum (eg women’s health physios, lactation consultants, etc).

Comfort Measures:

This is where we discuss different comfort measure techniques and strategies you may wish to use during labour and birth. I believe you already have everything within you and your body already knows what to do. In saying that, I also know it can be nice to have an awareness around different strategies you can call upon if you feel you want to. I provide you with comfort measure ideas around different positions, basic acupressure points, ways you can use a rebozo, and non medical pain relief options.

I offer you the chance to talk through any previous birth experiences, or speak openly about anything that may be on your mind. This is a judgement free space where you can have your story or feelings heard.

DISCLAIMER - I am not a psychologist or counsellor. I do not give advice. If you need further support I can refer you to someone who IS trained.

Price = $150 per 2 hours

Add On Available:

For those who have booked a Birth Mapping session.

For extra support through your pregnancy. This gives you access to me via text message and email until the birth of your baby.

I offer guidance to evidence based information as you need it that you can use as a conversation point with your health care provider, as well as assistance with adjustments to your existing Birth Map (as I understand plans can change as you gather new information)

Price = $150