About Me


I’m Elise.

I’m so grateful you’ve found me!

I am based in Tweed Heads and service the Northern Rivers and Gold Coast areas (from Byron Bay to Southport).

I am a Wife, a Mother, a Doula, a leo, an ambivert (a true in between of an introvert and extrovert), a manifesting generator, passionate, nurturing, empathetic, and dedicated.

I married the love of my life in 2022 and we are the proud parents of two little girls (aged 4 and 1). My favourite job in the world is being their Mum. Being a Doula is a very close second. I care so deeply about all that I do. This translates into being super passionate, diving head first into all the things I care about (helloooo pregnancy/birth/postpartum books, research, podcasts, and documentaries).

I am chatty, bubbly and am always wearing a smile. I love in depth conversations where I can really get to know a person, their beliefs, and understand what is important to them.

Ever since I can remember, I have always been interested in pregnancy and birth. This only deepened after having my own children and I became fascinated by postpartum as well. During my own pregnancies I became OBSESSED with wanting to know everything I possibly could. I was constantly reading over research and articles, listening to podcasts of birth stories and childbirth education, watching documentaries/movies/tv shows, and reading books. I was always curious about the “what if” scenarios and wanting to know and absorb everything I possibly could. None of this has changed.

Northern Rivers and Gold Coast Doula

Like most women, I birthed my babies through the hospital. I gained some insights into the hospital system and my first experience really highlighted some of my knowledge gaps. When I had my second, I had a huge desire to fill my knowledge gaps, learn how to advocate for myself and teach my partner how to better advocate for me. I became clear on my own wants and needs.

I have experienced and worked through my own birth trauma AND had the most incredible, magical birth.

I have seen the dark and the light - and I know what is possible.

I have such a strong desire to help other women achieve the births they are capable of.

I love the physiology of birth. The process. The planning (for both birth and postpartum).

I want to help other mothers and their partners get their best start to their parenting journey in whatever way this looks like to them.

I believe birth is always transformational. Regardless of how we birth our babies or what happens - we come out the other side a changed person.

As your Doula:

  • Think of me as your non-medical birth best friend. Someone to walk alongside you, guide you to relevant resources and information, and someone to nurture YOU while you nurture your baby.

  • I am someone in ADDITION TO your partner, chosen support people, and care providers. I ADD TO your team and do not take away or take over from anyone else - we all have a role in supporting you to achieve the birth you want.

  • I support you through YOUR process. I provide you with unbiased, evidence based information. I respect your choices. I treat you with respect always. I hold space for you.

  • I aim to support you in empowering yourself so you can take charge of your own pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.

Northern Rivers and Gold Coast Doula

I promote the physiology of birth - however I support and respect ALL of your choices.

I trust you as the authority and expert of your body, your birth, and your baby.

I trust your intuition.

I trust you.

I’m so excited to begin this journey with you!

All photos on this page taken by Daisy Hill Photography